
Will I Ever Finish my Education?

Jennifer, a 26-year-old MBA student at one of the top universities, faces this question. She attends all her lectures, submits her assignments on time, and demonstrates good manners. However, whenever she has an exam, the mere thought of it causes her abdominal pain, cold sweat, and nausea. Jennifer believes that life would be easier if she could learn and complete her assignments without the need for exams.

No matter how hard she studies and how well she knows the material, Jennifer struggles to concentrate and focus during exams. She experiences nearly blacking out, making it difficult to process the exam questions in her mind. She worries that she may never finish her MBA and receive her degree.

Jennifer is experiencing performance fear, a common phenomenon among students. Despite being prepared and knowledgeable, her intense fear hinders her ability to perform. These fears leave her tired and exhausted all the time, lacking energy, feeling restless, nervous, and causing sleepless nights.

The FearLessMind tailored program focuses on addressing performance fear and can assist Jennifer in learning various coping skills to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


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